Denise Ricciardi

Thank You for Re-Electing Me!
New Hampshire Senate District 9

Busting Myths About School Choice

I want the best for every child — the best health, safety, well-being, and the absolute best education. I want our New Hampshire public schools to be the best they possibly can be for every child and school choice is exactly what we need to help those children who are...

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NH Can Keep Its Promise to Cities and Towns

Call me old fashioned, but I think a promise made should be a promise kept. The Meals and Rooms Tax is that extra charge on the bottom of your restaurant bill added by the state. It also applies to hotel rooms and other parts of New Hampshire’s hospitality industry....

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Child Environmental Health Day

In 2018 I encouraged the State of New Hampshire to recognize Children's Environmental Health Day. Recently we recognized its third anniversary here in New Hampshire. Should I be elected your State Senator, I will continue this commitment to creating an...

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Choice for Parents Creates Opportunities For Students

New Hampshire parents and teachers are now more than a month into what can only be described as the strangest school year in New Hampshire history and I think that all of you deserve a round of applause for making it this far! Luckily for me, my son is now fully grown...

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Army of Volunteers at the Ready

"Weeks before Gov. Chris Sununu issued his stay-at-home order, Town Councilor Denise Ricciardi was forming Bedford Cares with assistance from Chief John Bryfonski of the Bedford Police Department." “We are preparing for the worst and hoping for the best,” said...

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