HINSDALE, N.H. — As plans stand now for the new Hinsdale-to-Brattleboro bridge, a stoplight at Route 119 and the entrance to George’s Field will be removed. “The old signal has to go because we are realigning the intersection,” said Mark Moran,...
This trip to Hinsdale was wonderful! At left is a photo of the new bridge being built from Vermont to Hinsdale. I have affectionately coined Hinsdale as the “Gateway to NH”. I have spent several weeks advocating for the town of Hinsdale to retain their...
Yesterday I visited the New Boston Children’s Market. I was impressed by the quality of goods made by our youth. They make everything from jewelry to candles to bread! I enjoyed seeing everyone and I love the quaintness of the Town of New Boston and the warmth of the...
We are incredibly thankful to Denise Ricciardi of NH Senate 9 for her assistance in helping our foundation target available fundraising opportunities for a new library in Mont Vernon. Two weeks of charitable gaming at Filotimo Casino Gaming Nights plus a 25% match...
Senator Denise Ricciardi of District 9 was selected for the prestigious CSG Henry Toll Fellowship Concord, NH – The Council of State Governments has announced that New Hampshire State Senator Denise Ricciardi has been selected to participate in the 2023 CSG...