Ricciardi Hosts Memorial School’s Fourth Grade

I was pleased to host the fourth graders of Bedford’s Memorial School today at the NH Statehouse. Children had a chance to see how their state government works with a tour by their own NH...

Gift Card Crime Wave Demands Action

AS LEGISLATIVE leaders in New Hampshire, we have seen firsthand how the retail industry is facing an escalating crisis: gift card tampering fraud. This form of fraud is not just a nuisance — it is a growing dimension of Organized Retail Crime (ORC) that affects...

Dr. Patrick Ho: Momnibus 2.0 Cares for New Mothers

THE New Hampshire Senate Health and Human Services Committee heard SB 246 — better known as “Momnibus 2.0” — on Wednesday. This bill, primarily sponsored by Senator Denise Ricciardi, R-Bedford, has bipartisan support with a total of eight Republican cosponsors and...

Budget Will Be Tight, Our Work Is Cut Out For Us

This Op-Ed appeared in the Union Leader on January 25, 2025 THE NEW YEAR always brings a sense of hope, renewal, and of course, resolutions. For me, one of those resolutions is to express my heartfelt gratitude to the voters of Senate District 9 for entrusting me once...

Meals and Rooms Revenue Returned to Towns

When Senator Ricciardi sees a problem, she tries to fix it. During her first term in 2021, Senator Ricciardi was the main sponsor of Senate Bill 99. It is now responsible for a 99% increase in revenue to towns based on population numbers. When she was first elected...

Thank You 2024!

Dear Friends, I want to thank the voters of Senate District 9 for placing their trust in me to serve another term. For the next two years I will take every conversation, every phone call, and every email I have received over the last 6 months on the campaign trail...