THE New Hampshire Senate Health and Human Services Committee heard SB 246 — better known as “Momnibus 2.0” — on Wednesday. This bill, primarily sponsored by Senator Denise Ricciardi, R-Bedford, has bipartisan support with a total of eight Republican cosponsors and five Democratic cosponsors. The legislation builds on the Momnibus bill from 2024. The new Momnibus 2.0 bill, SB 246, would improve access to health care services for new mothers in New Hampshire by providing a broad range of services and supports, such as securing funding for rural maternal health EMS services, requiring insurance coverage for perinatal home visiting services, and expanding employee protection to ensure that mothers can attend postpartum care medical visits.

Note: If you read an article on Patch regarding this bill, it should have been corrected to indicate that ALL Moms, regardless of whether on Medicaid or commercial carrier insurance, would be covered.

Full article here:
Union Leader